Showing posts with label Rants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rants. Show all posts

Rants: Updates. 1 comments

Posted at 12:54 PM in

Hello, Malaysian metalheads. How are you these days? How was Metallica? How was the opening band? Did you manage to record their performance and upload it on youtube? Haha. Fun and jokes aside, I would like to apoligize for the lack of updates these days. Life has been quite hectic these days.

But fear not, I will be writing some reviews later on since I got my hands on a number of awesome local releases that I feel I need to promote and expose. Some of them were sent by the band and some of them, I bought. So expect machine guns of reviews for the next couple of posts.

I am also in the midst of interviewing a couple of bands that everybody should listen to. Wait for that one as well. In the mean time, for the local metalheads, keep your head abreast with news and updates on the local metal scene via these dedicated blogs listed below:

I will do a round up for more news, later. Probably I will angkut the news from these blogs anyway. LOL. So enjoy you weekdays and see you just in a little bit. All hail the Malaysian Metal scene. Kita metal terus (move forward and metal)!

Rants: Between Rock N Roll and Ideologies. 2 comments

Posted at 10:00 AM in

I have been in love with this one particular local band for years and it was only recently that I learned that that particular band embraced Nazism. In fact, I think, it was only last year that this same band made quite a ruckus by making their stand obvious by playing in all national socialist show somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. Some prominent figures in the scene wrote and expressed their disgust about the whole racket and some made attempts to disassociate themselves with a couple of music blogs who promoted the gig.

Being an ardent fan of their music (and for quite some time too), what am I suppose to do? Should I stop supporting the band? Should I stop listening to their records? Should I stop supporting their music? Should I refrain myself from wanting to go and see their live shows? Should I stop buying their demos and compact discs? Is this not a pretty intricate dilemma? Caught between you love for music and being steadfast with your political philosophy? It is and it sucks.

Would you want to take that risk of being labeled a Nazi Sympathizer and continue supporting the band? Or should you stay firm to your political philosophy and severe your psychological ties with your favorite band? To what extent will you compromise a conflicting ideology? How far should you go in being firm with your personal position against certain prejudicial school of thoughts, philosophies and ideas? Wow. That escalated fast, didn’t it? From simple pleasure of listening to songs and rock n roll to heedful warfare of philosophies and ideologies. 

Nazi (or national socialist as some these bands like to refer themselves as) bands are just some of the obvious and easier examples to look at and since this is Malaysia, I shall write this article in the context of Malaysian underground scene with Malaysian problems and hopefully with  Malaysian solutions. Bear in mind that this article will not be about the idea itself because I bet you have read tons and tons of material on it before. The issue that I am going to deal with right now is the dilemma of being caught between music and philosophy (a great title for a doctorate thesis, if I can say so myself).

It is rather an interesting subject if I may say so and I bet not many of us today had gave it much of a thought. Partly, because we have moved away, past those days where personal political thoughts were carefully scrutinized, judged and acted upon. Gone were those days of spreading boycott flyers and strenuous ideological fights. Everything is a bit toned down nowadays. Bands can express their prejudicial thoughts freely and without fear of being boycotted.

The idea to write this article came when I was browsing the APN ( forum. There was this one thread where some people in the forum were calling for a boycott against the legendary Scottish punk band, The Exploited, for being a Nazi sympathy band. They had all these pictures of Wattie Buchan, the lead singer of The Exploited doing sieg heils (the Nazi salute), hanging out with the members of an alleged Nazi band called Haggard and for having a swastika tattoo on one of his shoulders.

Various members from both bands came into forum and started to defend themselves and refuting all the allegations made against their respective bands. Well, since anarchists can sometime be a bunch of nasty and uptight ideological militants, all rebuttals and confutations made by the members of the bands, fell on deaf ears. As much as it had been an interesting thread to read and to laugh at (because both sides end up acting like a bunch of retarded assholes), the more I went down the thread, the more disgusted I became.       

For starters, I am not a big fan of The Exploited but I loved their music and I find their music to be interesting and appealing to my ever demanding metallic ears. There are a bunch of bands out there that managed to blend the fierceness and fury of Punk Rock with the sheer heaviness of Thrash Metal (Stormtroopers of Death would first come to mind), but only a few were as good and as consistent as The Exploited. So let say, the lead vocalist is a Neo Nazi whereas I am not just an anti Nazi punk rocker but also a fan of their work, what should I do? If you are in my spot, what would you do?

At what point a person will be considered a supporter (or a sympathizer) of a certain ideology? What is sympathy, anyway? At what point will a simple chord and a string of melodies be political and ideological? Should music and politics be separated? I know that there are growing debates, forums and discussions being held out there regarding this particular issue and the arguments posed but either school of thoughts had no better sense then the other.   

Ponder the above issues for a bit and let us go back the questions I posed in the first few paragraphs of this article. It is not a rhetorical question posed for the sake of argument. It is a real dilemma and I bet, it is a dilemma faced not by just me, but I reckon, by a whole bunch of others too. The difference is most of them would rather listen and buy records secretly then finding a way around the dilemma and be at peace with it, once and for all. I can tell you one thing; it sucks to be stuck in the middle of a music and principle quandary like this.

Even though I have always been obdurate and firm with my attitude with the idea that the enjoyment of music and politics should be distinguished, it is still a mind boggling predicament for some nonetheless. As for my stand? A good music is a good music regardless of personal politics and I will not deny myself good music. I champion the separatist school of thought. There you go, out in the open. I would rather go and listen to a good right wing black metal band than a horrible shitty sounding anarcho punk band. Music quality wise, I would choose Burzum’s Aske over Flux of Pink Indians’s Strive To Survive For The Least Suffering Possible in anytime of a day.

Don’t get me all wrong though. I am not saying that we should not use music to convey our message. The connection of music and politics goes way, way back since time immemorial. The main reason being that music is one of the better medium to spread awareness and wipe out ignorance. Hell, the whole Hardcore Punk movement was developed from the idea of politics in rock n roll. 

Yes, I champion separatism but I still think that a line must be drawn somewhere, the question is where? When would simple acts of loving and being a fan of a band becomes promoting the band and championing their cause and when will promoting the music becomes promoting the ideology? This is to me, the most difficult question to answer.

To me, becoming a fan of band for their music does not necessarily mean that you are sympathizing or agreeing to their personal politics. I emphasis “does not necessarily” because there are people out there who worshipped bands like Anti Flag, Against Me or NOFX for their political stand and activism but some, like me, loved them to death for the simple fact that these bands played good and fun rock n roll music.

Before any of your judgmental fucks start to judge me, let me make myself clear that I am against all form of prejudicial beliefs and I will never ever tolerate actions based on racial, sexual or religious prejudice and such twisted thoughts have no place in this blog. But I am also not an advocate of ideological prejudice either. Certain thoughts or ideas may lead to certain actions that may or may not be harmful to men. Xenophobic thoughts may lead to xenophobic actions. It is a psychological disease. But I detest fighting fire with fire.

To me, turning our backs on them will not solve anything and being confrontational does not necessarily mean that one must include insults and shouting. As we all know, racial, sexual and religious discrimination originated from ignorance (was that an insult I just read? Haha). It is the main culprit, that ignorance. It is from ignorance that would later give birth to hatred. It is easy to hate something that you do not understand. Ignorance is bliss they say, yes but hatred is not. Ignorance could and should not be fought by ignoring, thus the reason why turning our backs would not solve anything even though ignorance is not an easy adversary to annihilate.

Ignoring a wound might not be the best cure. It might heal and it might not. What happen when a wound goes unattended? It will become infected and end up being contagious. An infected little wound on your knee may cause the whole body to suffer including the hands that refused to treat it. Racism, sexism and bigotry are all like those little wounds on your knees. The best treatment for these wounds is by wrapping them with a nice warm bandage of awareness and a couple drops of consciousness.

Turning our backs on them would shut down possible forums for discussion and illumination. Boycott is not an answer either. It will only give ignorance more room to breath, bread and multiply. I believe in the softer approach of befriending, communicating and spreading awareness but then, I again had to acknowledge that ignorance, paired with arrogance, is a goliath of an issue. Then again, to each his own ways.

As far as the music goes, for me, if it’s good then its good, and if it’s not then down the shitter you go. Period. But giving a thumb up to a musically awesome Nazi band? Is that not a blasphemous sin of being a Neo Nazi sympathizer? Again, how does one becomes a sympathizer anyway? How does loving a good rock n roll song becomes a secret little nod to the rocker’s politics? To me, it doesn’t. I guess I’m a bit secular when it comes to chords and politics.

My way of looking at things, especially regarding this issue might not sit well with politically correct scene purists and I am okay with that. I am still learning and I yearn to be corrected. Although my writings tended to be a little bit preachy, it was never my intention to preach. I am just sharing my thoughts based on my current state of mind and I am always open for suggestions, opinions and enlightenments. Maybe, you can go and grab a pen and write your own thoughts about it. Cheers.      

Rants: Free Logo Designs for Metal bands. no comments

Posted at 10:00 AM in

1. Drawing was one of my favorite past time when I was still a Kampung kid, growing up all innocent and unmetal back in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. I would draw comics, cartoons, action figures and what nots. and gave it out friends and families for free.  My 80 page brown exercise book that I would use for homework most of the time will always end up 70 pages short.

2. When I first started to flirt with heavy metal back in high school, I like to draw logos for imaginary bands.  I would design sleeves and make up song titles for my imaginary bands. I never took my logo designing skill seriously and it never went to any higher level, and university happens. Until a couple months ago when I started to draw logos for a couple of bands from all around the world for fun (well, at least at the moment, I dont think it will get to be THAT serious though), my fascination with logo designing rekindled.

3. For the local bands, if you think your current logo sucks and are in need of a new logo, then you can email me at and I will try and see if I can work my magic out for you and your band. Payments? Nah, I dont think I would need any payments at the moment, because if I were to take payments, if I were to charge you for the logos, that would mean I will have to pick the pesky aftersales responsibilities and shits, which I got no time for. But if you were to use the logo that I have designed for you, a couple of free CDs or Tshirts would do no harm. Hahaha.

4. Conditions: Your band must be a serious band (not just a weekend jam bands), with your own original songs with plans to release them in near future or at least, your band have already been playing gigs and shows. Not that I am picky (which I usually am) or something, but when you are doing free shits, you would want to expect that the free shits were utilised and appreciated. Jam bands dont bother wasting my time. Email me the details below:

  1. Band name:
  2. Genre:
  3. From:
  4. Preferred colour:
  5. Other band logos that you like:
  6. Website/Facebook/Bandcamp page: (no band page, no logo)

Email it to:

Some of the logos that were made by me, out of boredom.

Maqabir - Malaysian Atmospheric Black Metal

Mhourong - Malaysian Experimental Black Metal

Spectrelight Recordings - Canadian Based Label

Salvation Lies Within - Some metalcore band from UK or something

Filsufatia - Malaysian Depressive Melancholic Black Metal

For more samples of logos that were designed by me, click HERE.

Rants: My Fantasy Gig. 1 comments

Posted at 10:00 AM in

1. I have to be honest that I am not really a gig goer but I have always fantasize about organizing my own shows with my favorite bands playing. Almost organized one back when I was still a teenage punk living in Kota Bharu, Kelantan (my hometown), but the owner of the premise bailed out last minute fearing rushes from the local authority, which was quite often, back in the day.

2. What if, all of a sudden, I became rich and got some money to spend on things of my fancy? If that were to happen, the first thing that I would want to do would be to organize a show. Not just any show but the ultimate crowd puller kind of a show. It will not involve international acts, just locals, and I got a couple of bands in mind. These are the bands and the reason why would I choose them to perform at my fantasy gig.


I chose Mistik to open the show. Mistik (Mistik is a Black Metal band from Penang, Malaysia) First, because they are a Black Metal band, and a good one at that and I guess in order to show that our local scene and metal is widely varied and colourful (excuse the pun), choosing Mistik to open should be a no brainer. The crowd at this point needs a good lethal injection of fresh melodic vibe to kick start their heads, and to set the tone and mood for the whole gig, having just came in into the venue, virgin and all, they would need something that can attract them closer to the stage and participate. 

I will specifically ask the band to include the 2 songs which they recorded for Storm of Nebiula compilation part 2, Demonic Deal (Sial Batara) and Journey Through The Forbidden Woods, into their setlist. That 2 songs will get everyone, anyone to bang their heads. Hands down, that 2 song were by far the best black metal songs ever recorded by a local band. Highly infectious, high on grooves, extremely melodic, elaborate and ambitious and constructed with perfection in mind. I can bet my pinky finger that you will not be able to name me any other song from any other local black metal bands that can compete or come close to the epic and grandness of Demonic and Journey. Man, I can just write about these two songs all day long. Lets move to the second act, before I do that.


After that high octane of a performance of Mistik, the crowd would need a really good band to continue the flow of the vibe and energy thus I chose Hidden Silence (a Melodic Death Metal band from Malacca, Malaysia) to be the second band based on the strength of their debut EP, Black Hearted Spiritual alone. One of the best pure melodic death metal band that ever to came out from Malaysia. This band is not your typical run off the mill twin guitars Gothenberg melodic death metal, it is something that you need to experience yourself.

I would ask them to open with Cast Away, a melancholic and extremely gloomy instrumental piece that they got on the EP. Let the guitarist blaze himself with his crazy solos before jumping for the opening riffs for Necromenicide, the second track off their EP. The opening riff to that song will definitely turn heads around and again towards the stage. Heavy with groove, a headbangable track and with melodies thats far from cheesy. The solo for Necromenicide was just out of this world. It has been a long while since I last heard a very very good solo recorded by a local guitarist. The crowd can not and will not be able to just stand still with this band. High on energy and virtuosity especially on the drums and lead department. To be honest they can just play any songs from that highly praised EP of theirs. The songs were all good. Next band.


I will not give the crowd a chance to breath, like at all. I will have the local reigning king of Thrash twist the heads of the crowd. I have yet to experience Thrash with any other local bands the same way I experienced Thrash metal with the mighty Athotorgh (a Thrash Metal band from Perak, Malaysia). And you just got to see the best metal drummer in Malaysia, playing his craft to perfection. There are no two ways about it.

I will ask them to open with GMF, the first track from their debut, one and only EP, Promaster Dieyana, under their belt. The crowd will recognize that riff from anywhere. That, plus the crowd participation section at the chorus will bring down roofs. Their last song will be non other than, Promaster Dieyana, one of the most recognizable thrash riff ever composed by a local band. Man, this song is fucking intense and somewhat emotional. The crowd will love chanting Promaster! Dieyana! with the vocalist during the chorus, that I can bet my ass off. I chose Athotorgh because, after two bands, the crowd would be a bit exhausted by now, but they will stick with Athotorgh's set list because the crowd knows that their set would not that long. 


Now for the headlining band. Its an interesting choice, but with a twist. Ill write about it in my next post. Stay tuned. You are free to give it a go at guessing it though. Cheers.

Designing Logos: 2 comments

Posted at 6:06 PM in

1. Hello. Its been a while since I last update this blog and I guess this is the first post for 2013. So much for being a tireless blogger.

2. Well, I suppose I will need sparks of controversial issues on a weekly basis for me to drag my ass up and update this blog. Maybe I will be able to poach a couple of readers out of it.

3. You know, one of the most fun thing about metal, besides its music was the art and I am talking about band logos. I have always been fascinated by metal bands logos especially those of the black metal bands.

4. Giving a shot at deciphering those logos requires a lot of eye skills, man. Back when I was still schooling, a close friend wore a Nargaroth T shirt. I was like, what the hell does that say? My friend had no idea.

5. One thing for sure. It was a damn cool tshirt. When we were younger, was it not a fascination and a reason for excitement to be able to hand draw the logos of your favorite bands on your school bags? I know I did. As for me, Helloween was the logo of choice.

6. Being art savvy myself, I sometimes would go to metal forums and drew logos for bands just for the sake of it. Who knows, if those bands got to be big, you'll be able to see on their album sleeve, Benign The Malaysian as the logo designer. Thats pretty cool.

7. Listed here are some of the logos that I made for fun. I dont ask for anything in return, just showing my support towards these bands in my own way.

Blood Legion.
Twilight Fauna
Qalaqas Black Art Production
Black Ash

DARK FUNERAL and Malaysian War Tour, the aftermath: 1 comments

Posted at 2:18 PM in

1. It has been a while since I felt so obliged to update this crappy blog. All apologies to those who have been visiting from time to time and finding nothing new posted here. You know who you are. Salute.

2. Well, of course the most recent hoopla about our beloved Malaysian metal scene these past few days was none other than the last minute cancellation of the much anticipated Malaysian War tour featuring the Swedish Black Metal legend, Dark Funeral.

3. Basically, Vokill Records was supposed to organize the tour and Dark Funeral was slated to perform on 4 dates in Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Penang and Petaling Jaya in the supposed tour, from the time span of November 27th to December 1st.

4. Everything was set and good to go. The venues and sound system were supposedly have been booked and the organizer did in fact collected pre-sale tickets for all four shows. Everybody was looking forward for the great event. Metalheads came out of the woodwork infact just for this occasion. The band themselves, a crew of 9, flew to Kota Kinabalu in the hopes of entertaining their massive worshipers there in Sabahell.

5. Then, on the day of the show itself, it was canceled. The promoter was nowhere to be seen and was not communication friendly. 9 Swedish got stranded in Kota Kinabalu, with no where to go and no one to reach for. Thankfully, some of our Sabahell's Metalheads were there to welcome them with the news that the Kota Kinabalu show, for whatever reason, was canceled.

6. Now, I am not the one who would want to speculate nor am I here to pour diesel on a flaming fire of hatred (Wow, that should be a good title for a song. Fuck!), but I think I must agree with what A For Anomaly (Dissecting The Euphony) when he put it that this unfortunate event was the most horrible way for us Malaysian Metalheads to end 2012.

7. If Armageddon do in fact occur this coming December 21st, hey at least Vokill managed to screw Dark Funeral, thousands of local metalheads and put the name of Malaysian Metal scene in the deepest shit hole ever found in human history. Now thats an achievement.

8. I am fine with cancellation of shows and I know, promoting shows is not an easy business. But the idea of leaving your guests stranded in nowhere land does not sit well with me. That was just fucked up, dude. Not taking responsibility of your shits is one thing, but leaving them headless like that? Fuck, dude.

9. John Finberg, the bands agent gave a statement recently warning everybody about Vokill but at least I can sigh in relief that the band still wanted to come to Malaysia and perform under a more legitimate promoted. At least Malaysia were not swiped out of their tour radars. Well, at least at this moment.

10. I am not really a big Dark Funeral fan but I believe the band got legions and legions of loyal fans here, that would do anything to be given the opportunity to watch them perform live in front of their own very eyes. That is equivalent to the relationship I got with Helloween. If Weikath and co, do ever decide to come and tour Malaysia, I'll be the first in line to buy the tickets for all the shows.

11. I do not know what had happened behind the curtains and I am not going to speculate shits. At least Vokill came forward to apologize and my friends, that requires testicular fortitude but the I think the best thing to do for Vokill now, is to explain what had really happen and proceed with the refunding everybody. And I really hope that this issue can be resolved without any physical damage.

12. To Dark Funeral, I do hope you would want to come and play in Malaysia again. Horns up!

Rants: Thrashing Kuala Lumpur. no comments

Posted at 7:41 PM in

1. I changed the blog layout in the hopes that it shall inspire me to regularly update this helluva blog. I suck. But hey, it looks cleaner and minimal and dark and metal. The way I like it best.

2. Ive gotta tell you that I am super excited to go and watch, Cromok, my favorite Malaysian metal band of all time performing live next month at Thrashing Kuala Lumpur. Got the tickets already eventhough my friend only managed to get us the RM90 ones whereas I would have preferred the more expensive one. 

3. I am not a frequent gig goer and its fuckin Cromok with the original Forever In Time/Yours Truly line up. So it is a big deal to me. This was THE band that made me fell in love with heavy metal. A fucking big deal.

4. So, I guess I'll see you there then.

Rants: The ultimate rant on Metalcore. 2 comments

Posted at 7:34 PM in

1. Well, in a nutshell, I finally have my peace with metalcore music. I do not think that I will ever be a fan in any time soon but at least I have now learnt not to hate it anymore. Metalcore, deathcore, moshcore or what ever crap the kids are calling it these days, i have come to realize that it's just music.

2. Malaysian kids loved their metalcore especially the younger generation of extreme music lovers. Go and have fun with your music. As long as you are loving it, it's fine with me. It is not for me to negatively judge whatever you kids are listening to nowadays. Go and have fun. It is just music anyway.

Rants: A Cromok Reunion Show? A new album? 5 comments

Posted at 4:14 PM in

There’s no need for Cromok fans to hold their breath or to wait on needles and pins. Yes, the metal juggernaut will grind its wheels soon enough with a reunion show planned later this year. And it’s not just one of those nostalgia gigs, but one with a new album to back it. -The Star July 22, 2011.
I am a pre Hillary Cromok fanboy and I had just wet my pants!

more HERE

Rants: Metal Thrashing Mad. 3 comments

Posted at 12:00 AM in

1- I'm bored. I'm sitting here in my room at the office, got nothing to do but for my continuous failblog visits. Gotta keep abreast with the current and rampant development of internet memes, you know, for the lulz. Ok, whats happenin out there? Let us see.

2- Anthrax will be releasing their latest long overdue album, Worship Music, somewhere in September. You can actually go and listen to one of the songs on youtube which was made available for download recently. Fight Em Til You Cant was the title of the song and the lyrics dealt with zombie fighting. Good ol' humor filled Anthrax. I am excited because this will be the first Anthrax album featuring my favorite Anthrax singer, the ever goofy Joey Belladonna since Persistence of Time album.

3- Megadeth has announced the title of their 13th studio album. And the album title? TH1RTE3N. What the fuck was that all about. The title sucks, Mustaine, change it. This album will feature David "Junior" Ellefson since The World Needs a Hero in 2002.

4- You know, thrash metal bands from the 80's have been releasing pretty good albums recently (well, except Metallica but at least their kinda back with their old thrashy riffs even though the quality of the sound sucked big time). Megadeth's Endgame was one of my favorite album to spin, Testament's Formation of Damnation was really, really good, Overkill's Iron Bound was really, really good, Sodom's In War And Pieces was exceptionally well written (the album that Metallica should've recorded), Heathen's The Evolution of Chaos was good. Man everything seems to be good and well in Planet Thrash.

5- Hopefully we will be able to see more good albums from these bands in the future (well except Metallica).

6- Corey Taylor of Slipknot wrote a book called Seven Deadly Sins. Not interested. Next. Remember the all girl metal band, Kittie? They will be releasing their sixth album titled "Ive Failed You" somewhere in August. My all time favorite heavy drinkin, cheast beatin, muscle buildin, harley ridin band like of all time, Manowar is still recording they long awaited new album titled "Hammer of the Gods". Damn DeMaio, whats taking you so fucking long? Oh yeah, Bruce Dickinson received an honorary doctorate from Queen Mary University, London. Congrats Dr.Dick. Apa lagi? Ah yes, Post Mike Portnoy Dream Theater will be releasing an album with their new ever humble drummer Mike Mangini.

7- Fuckin kewl!

Rants: Eastern Metal. 4 comments

Posted at 1:31 PM in

1- Hello there. I am writing this in the accompaniment of the tracks from Versailles, a Japanese speed/classical metal band and God, they are awesome. If you like highly melodic classical stuff, crazy shreds and riffs with modern baroque operatic baritone-esque vocals, then I suggest you try this crazy cross dressing (they call it Visual Kei, its more style then a genre) band. Be sure not to fap over the guitarists cute face, because the last time i checked he is still a guy.

2- If you recognize Florida for its Death Metal (Morbid Angel, Death, Deicide), Bay Area for its Thrash Metal (Metallica, Anthrax, Exodus), Gothenberg for its Melodic Death Metal (In Flames, At The Gates, Dark Tranquility), Norway in general for its regiments of Black Metal bands (Mayhem, Burzum, Dark Throne) then it is only fair that you should recognize this small country of ours called Malaysia with our own brand of metal called Eastern Metal.

3- I know that the name is kinda generic and cheesy and I too understand that Eastern is subjective, but there is nothing that I can do about it. If it was up to me to name the genre, I would have called it a much more awesome name like Malayan Metal. Ok, that too sounded lame. Who cares anyway. What about Barbaric Malayan Metal? Awesome? No? Fuck you.

4- What ever it is, Eastern metal (bare with me guys, stop complaining, fuckheads) was an original concept coming out of the shores of Malaysian waters. I do not know who coined the term Eastern Metal but my number one suspect was Langsuyr's Eastern Cruelty EP which was released in 1996 but I might be wrong since I base my suspicion solely on the term Eastern in Eastern Cruelty.

5- Malaysia back then, like most country in the South East region of Asia in the likes of Indonesia, Philippine, Singapore and Thailand, was a country highly blanketed by Malay mysticism, shamanism and black magic. Although due to the rampant progress of technology, modern mindsets and the widespread of Islam, these ancient tradition, rituals and practices were reduced, ignored and almost forgotten. Almost.

6- But you can still witness these elements in the form of traditional dances of the Malays. The ritualistic royal theater of Mak Yong and medicinal therapy of Main Puteri in Kelantan, the ritual calming of the spirit of the seas in Ulek Mayang in Terengganu, the theatrical battle dance of Kuda Kepang in Johor, just to name a few, are the instances of mystical elements that were still practiced nowadays although for a new different reason altogether. It is also a fascinating to point out that some Malay rulers (Sultans) still adhere to some of these ancient rituals. The ritual of Beting Beras Basah practiced by the Sultans of Perak is one good example.

7- But for me, the more important learning experience behind all these ancient practice of mysticism was not only in regards of its mystic and magic, but the legend, myth and rich history of the vikings of the orient. the ancient seafarers of an ethnic called the Malays, the main ethnic inhabiting the Malay Archipelago since time immemorial. Before I keep on ranting about the history of the Malays here, it is better if I stay on course. Eastern Metal, damn it, Eastern Metal. 

8- Musically, Eastern Metal is basically an amalgamation of local dark musical folk riffs and extreme metal especially Black Metal. I dont know but Black Metal seems to suit the unification of these elements, musically and lyrically. The first band that did this (incorporate local folk music into extreme metal) was Cromok in an intro of one of their more famous song from their debut demo, Image of Purity, called Metallurgical back in 1990. It is also important to note that another local seminal thrash band called Freedom Thats Gone (FTG) did also incorporate a local classic musical style called Keroncong in their song titled Kill The Evil from their first EP in 1991 but thats a different discussion altogether.

9- But it was not Cromok who developed the music. The band just paved the way musically. It was a Singaporean Black Metal band called As Sahar that started to champion the mysticism of the Malays lyrically and developed the music into a distinct sound of Eastern Metal with their 1995 demo, Santau (voodoo-ish sort of magic) which was later released by a Malaysian record label called Nebiula Productions in the form of a 4 song EP called Meditation Embun Pagi, in the same year.

10- With song titles such as Stroll in Kafan (pieces of white linen with which Muslims wrap their dead with), basically a song about a Malay ghost called Pocong, and Santau Tuju Angin (Wind Voodoo would be an appropriate term to define it), As Sahar started to develop a lyrical theme and sets of distinctive Javanese based riffs that would later form the basic idea of what would later be known as Eastern Metal.  

11- That legendary release, Meditation Embun Pagi by As Sahar, was soon followed by another legendary release by a local legendary band called Langsuyr/Ryusgnal (forest banshee in Malay with the latter being the same moniker spelled backwords, eery), in the form of a 4 song EP called The Eastern Cruelty. It was during this time that Eastern Metal was recognized as a genre.

12- As Sahar continued the eastern metal path with their debut LP called Phenomistik which was released in 1998 while Langsuyr contributed 2 songs in the same vein of Eastern Cruelty for a local compilation called Ipoh Metal Militant: Supremacist. 

13- By then dozens of bands started being fascinated with the newly discovered genre. Alongside As Sahar and Langsuyr, other important bands that dwelt with Eastern Metal were Tasyim, Arkhaytul Mayt, Purnamwulan, Kharabanazak, Atrocious, Larrong or the newer ones in the likes of Singhasari and Polong. It is also important to note that even though most of the mentioned bands played either Black Metal or Death Black Metal musically, there were other bands which managed to incorporate Malayan myths and mysticism without the distinctive Eastern Metal sound such as Cryptic Malediction (death metal), Sil Khannaz (dare i say Progrockdeath?) and Uprising (folk metal). Worth checking them out.    

Rants: Books On Malay Heavy Metal? 4 comments

Posted at 7:33 AM in

1- How many books you think we have out there which deals with the Malaysian heavy bands or scene in general? None. Zilch. Nada. Why? Because Malaysians lack the interest to put things on record. "On record" here refers to readable materials i.e. books. Which is kinda pathetic and sad at the same time.

2- There are of course a few pages dedicated to Malaysian heavy metal in some magazines here and there but come on. 30 years of heavy metal in a couple of glossy pages, which most of the time, were not even written by heavy metal enthusiasts, is not enough. Mr. Abdul Aziz Ittar, you sir, need to do something about this.

3- Man, the history of Malaysian heavy metal is indeed a colorful and dramatic one and i bet that it would easily fit at least in a few hundred pages worth of readable materials. Why we Malaysians does not find it necessary to record it all in a proper book remains a mystery to me. Maybe due to the lack of interest to read.

4- If legendary Malaysian bands in the likes of Search, Wings and Cromok or even Sil Khannaz were formed in the United States, I bet there would be at least 4 or 5 books detailing the history of the band. Metallica alone have at least 4. The Beatles got hundreds of them. I believe that it will definitely sell at least couple of thousand copies if not more.

5- I found out just recently that Sweet Charity, a (considered) local hard rock band (credited as the first rock band in Malaysia/Singapore) released an autobiography about themselves. I think it is a good start. Even when Sil Khannaz (local Death Metal/Progressive Death Metal band) chose to release a rockumentary detailing their colorful history, I was in awe and made it a mission to go and buy the CD. And I did just that.

6- Dont you think its time we start recording some history of our own and bring the scene to a whole new level? 

Rants: Rock 2 & Morbid Angel. 2 comments

Posted at 11:49 AM in

1- As I have been informed, the good people who previously brought you the movie, Rock (a very awesome movie about a fictionalized 80's rock group called Rimba Bara starring Khir Rahman and Que Haidar) will be filming Rock 2 revolving around the history of a a non fictionalized local rock group called Search. I cant fucking wait.

2- Morbid Angel, he pioneer of what is known now as the Florida Death Metal sound, has  recently unleashed their latest album, Illud Divinum Insanus and it sucked big time. SUCKED. BIG TIME. And this is Morbid Angel that we are talking about. Is this the same band that released Altars of Madness and Covenant back in the late 80s and early 90's? What the fuck? Azagthoth tried to defend the album by saying that Morbid Angel was infact tried to venture into something new with Illud Divinum Insanus. Something new my malay ass. There is nothing new with adding a few loops of 8 repetitive bars of a song and drum machines. Marilyn Manson, motherfuckers, Marilyn fucking Manson. Do not buy Illud Divinum Insanus. Unless you are a fan of Earth Wind & Fire.

3- Rest in peace Morbid Angel.

Rants: Of Silent Death, Hidden Silence, Tandus, Langsuyr and Karl Cromok. 2 comments

Posted at 1:33 AM in

1- The first draft I wrote for this entry was in Malay but I stopped halfway because it was just too awkward, well at least for me. So english it is. I just got done reading some of my friends blogs. One of my personal favorite being Dissecting The Euphony. Why? For the new and upcoming release feature that they put up in their sidebar. 

2- Silent Death is finally ready to release their long awaited album, The Silent Kiss of Death. The other night I got an SMS informing me that they have already opened the floor for the fans to prebook the album. Throw in some extra cash, you will get a nice t-shirt along with the CD. I have listened to the excerpts of some of the new songs by the band on youtube but I guess it is still too early to judge.

3- Hidden Silence, one of the best melodic death metal band from our shore, according to DtE, will be releasing a follow up to their infamous debut, Black Hearted Spiritual and I believe this upcoming release will be called Into The Childs Nightmare. I am full of expectations with this band and this new release due to their awesome debut which got positive reviews from all over the place. Certainly the guys in Hidden Silence got ears for wonderful and exciting melody lines. Cant fucking wait!

4- Tandus? The Thrash masters from Johor? A new album? Fuck yeah. I can still remember buying their debut EP, Logam Maut, back in the mid 90's. Hopefully the sound on this one will at least be more polished, mix and master wise, then the one they got in Logam Maut, if you know what I mean. Logam Maut despite of its awesomeness was way too raw to my ears. Maybe it was intentional, I dont know, but man, Tandus thrashed my earholes like nobody's business.

5- Wait a second, Ajizz is back in Langsuyr? Are you serious DtE? Wow man. Fucking awesome. I have always wondered why he left the band in the first place but thats none of my business to begin with. But him being back in the folds of Langsuyr is definitely an exciting feat. Now if somebody out there could just try and convince Dr.Ben to rejoin the band and get the legendary Occultus Mysticism and Eastern Cruelty line up to release one more Eastern Cruelty-esque record, I'll die a happy man. Haha.

6- The new release from Karl Cromok is already in store now. Shred It Back was the title of the release. I have given a go to the single called Petanda which featured Amy from the legendary hard rock band Search handling the vocals, and the verdict was lukewarm at best, but Karl's trademark melodic solo was there thus the sole saving grace for the song. The chorus lines were annoyingly repetitive. Force feeding a melody will only work if you got a good and strong vocal melody. And in Petanda's unfortunate case, the melody was weak besides the delivery felt insincere. Oh well.

Rants: TheBulletBelt In Malay? 2 comments

Posted at 4:08 AM in

r1- I guess it has been a custom for me to start a new post with "It Has Been A While" nowadays. Admittedly, I've neglected this blog (and blogging activities altogether) for quite some time now. I noticed that there are actually people who follows TheBulletBelt and frequently visits this blog from time to time in the look out for the latest Malaysian heavy metal news. Sorry man. I'm just too fucking busy.

2- Well, on the hand, it's MySpace fault man. You know, with their new not that much of a user friendly template that made my surfing and browsing a hell of an experience (not in a good way), I sorta gave up looking for new bands to promote. It's just too fucking agonizing. Fuck MySpace. While I'm at it, fuck Facebook too for not providing a better platform for bands to promote their music. But from another point of view, what is it there to promote? Young metalcore asswipes kept on releasing albums, the local "real" metalbands kept on waiting for another Metalcamp Gig to attend without releasing any single shit. Come on, step up to the fucking plate will ya. Thank God for Humiliation.

3- I had been contemplating for quite sometime now about changing the language of this blog. I dont know. Should I start posting in Bahasa or should I keep the current medium? When I started this blog back in 2009, my one and only objective was to promote Malaysian bands to a whole new international crowd. I dont know man, is it me or the scene just kinda died out. Hey lazy fuckers, release something man. A demo, a rehearsal tape like in the good ol' days, you know, what ever. Just release something. Wormrot is fucking conquering Europe and Malaysian bands are still playing jam fucking sessions. Fuck!

Rants: Whats New Pussycats? 1 comments

Posted at 10:07 AM in

1- Ideologies can sometimes be sickening. No shit. In Malaysia, if you were not segregated by partisan political allegiance, you will definitely separated by pseudo modern philosophical ideologies. Come on man. Do not let petty fights on ideologies ruin your God given rights to listen to some good ol' metal.

2- I never associated myself with any ideologies and I dont really give a fuck about others. If you are either an elite anarcho band or a fuckin Nazi band, if your music is good, your music is good. End of story. Almost all traditional black metal freaks out there worshiped fuckin Burzum. Burzum's 2010 "Belus" album was supposed to be called "The White God". Go fuckin figure. But we still feasted our ears with Burzum. Why? Because Burzum fuckin rock! It was a fuckin' awesome band. Fuck all these stupid ideologies and fuck all those politically correct assholes out there. Go listen to some fuckin Burzum.

3- Unless these bands try to be some fascist assholes and force their stupid ideologies onto me, only then this middle finger of mine shall be shown. I am not interested with your stupid ideologies and you can go fuck yourself. 

Rants - New Releases. 1 comments

Posted at 10:11 AM in

Click For A Larger View

Rants: Galneryus. 2 comments

Posted at 12:00 AM in

1- Sorry, the previous post was supposed to be my short review of Galneryus. But it was so much fun writing about the opening gigs for 2011, I totally have forgotten about poor old Galneryus.

2- Somewhere in December last year, I feasted my ears to Galneryus newest album, Resurrection. Galneryus is a Speed Metal/Neo-Classical/Power Metal band from Japan. If you love Malmsteen and guitar shreds and licks with pop melodies in high pitch, then you should give this band a try. Go and youtube their albums before you buy (read: download) their albums.

3- In actuality, I have heard about the band before but at that time I was too quick too dismiss the band for being one of too many Japanese Visual Kei bands that roamed the scene back in the early 90's. Or so I thought.

4- Not that I have any problems with Visual Kei bands. X Japan is one of my favorite band of all time. It was the fact that almost all Japanese Heavy Metal bands that was introduced to me by the trust worthy internet, tend to adopt the Visual Kei style and produced shitty music that made me quick too dismiss any unknown bands from the land of the rising sun. But I was wrong with Galneryus.

5- Galneryus, well at least their latest album, showcase pure power metal complete with the epic feeling and heroic chants. And when you thought, the guitar was already enough, get a load of the keyboard  Crazy! I should state that this is the only keyboard solo that I really liked and did not sound gay. Awesome. Give this one a try.  

Rants: Galneryus & The New Year. no comments

Posted at 11:14 AM in

1- Happy belated new year to all fellow headbangers and metalheads, Malaysia and world wide. How's everyone. Sorry for the long hiatus and thank you for still visiting Thebulletbelt. It was cool to know that this blog is still getting visitors despite the lack of new updates and entries.  Kudos.

2- Hopefully 2011 will be a good year for the Malaysian heavy metal scene and let us hope that this year we can see more awesome releases from the local bands. I heard that the long anticipated Silent Death, eerily titled "The Silent Kiss of Death" will be released soon. Hopefully the long wait would be of some worth. What's taking them so long anyway?

3- Malaysian Metal scene celebrated the new year with Warmageddon Gig on 1.1.11 featuring a very very impressive line up of Demisor, Mandatory, Damien and Humiliation with a few other bands. It has been a while the last time I heard of Mandatory, the Melodic Death Metal brigade from Penang. What about Damien? I thought that band was just a one off project band and here they are, opening 2011 with desecration of kambings and biri-biris on stage. Let's not talk about humiliation. They fuckin rock!

4- On the 29.1.2011, another gig will commence, Kuala Lumpur Thrashed, with another impressive and international line to cater the Mat-Mat Thrash's dying need to headbang and fist pump. Tandus has returned. Remember that awesome "Logam Maut" EP? Fuckin incredible. Others in the line up is IronFist (s'pore), Infernal Curse (Argentina), Killing Fields (Thailand), Wartillery (Brunei) and few other local acts. Get yourself ready.

5- On the same date, Penang will be hosting a gig called Uprising III. Too many metalcore bands. Do. Not. Like. But on 5.2.2011, you will be getting your chance to headbang to the magical opuses of As Sahar and Samartary when both of these groups will be playing in Demi Darah Dan Maruah Patriot gig in KL.

6- Awesome. 

Rants - Metal : A Malaysian Headbanger's Journey Part 3 2 comments

Posted at 11:04 AM in

Metal : A Malaysian Headbangers Journey
1- Where was I? Yes, my second "satanic" heavy metal album was Kreator. It was only later that I found out that Kreator plays Thrash Metal. At this point of time (which was around 1995) I have yet to discover any local bands that play this kind of music until I was introduced to a band called Cromok.

2- I have heard the name before but never had the enthusiasm to find out what was it all about until I forced my uncle to by me their second album, Forever In Time. The melodies, the aggressiveness of the music and the memorable riffs officially converted me into a Cromok fan. Wow, I thought to myself, there are local bands that play this kind of music. My mission since then was to find out more about the local heavy metal bands hidden everywhere through out the country. 
I ate your Impiety tape. Wutcha gon do about it?
3- I got my first taste of black metal through As Sahar's Meditation Embun Pagi and Impiety's Funeralight. It was a friend of mine back in my school days who gave me the cassettes. It was awesome. I think I never returned the cassette tapes. Both of the tapes fell into a river and err.. was eaten by two big ugly crocodiles.  I got lucky to even be able to escape. The tapes didnt. That friend of mine never let me borrow any of his tapes ever again but it was a true story.

4- Another friend of mine brought a zeroxed traditionally type written "magazine" he called Fanzine. That was the first time I got to hold and read a fanzine. It was local publication called Brutal Noise Fanzine from Penang I think. Inside was loads and loads of information about the local heavy metal scene and from all around the world. I was bloody stoked. It aint gon get any cooler than this thus a goal was set to someday write a fanzine of my own.

To Be Continued.
